Laila Iskander

Laila Iskander

Former Egyptian Minister of Environment
Egyptian Ministry of Environment

Dr. Laila Iskandar was the Minister of State for Urban Renewal and Informal Settlements in Egypt from July 2014-September 2015 and Minister of State for Environmental Affairs from 2013-2014. Prior to holding public office, she was a leading member of civil society both nationally and internationally, working with youth, women and children in livelihood programs in informal urban settlements and deprived villages in Upper Egypt. CID Consulting was awarded the "Social Entrepreneur of the Year" award in 2006 at the World Economic Forum by the Schwab Foundation. She studied economics, political science at Cairo University, Near Eastern studies and international education development at UC Berkeley, California and Columbia University, N.Y (Doctorate in International Education Development). She has been working with the informal waste recyclers/collectors of Cairo since 1983. CID Consulting is currently working on plastic neutrality issues and climate change designing partnerships between multinationals and informal waste recyclers.

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Laila Iskander

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